Go Look for The Lord Man!

In these defeated, depressed, and discouraging times, you and I need to live in the power and the anointing of the Holy Spirit. There are enough demons around to disturb and put you off track, especially in your daily walk with Jesus.

One man who understood these days in his life was Jonathan, the son of King Saul. What most remember about him is that he befriended David and humbly acknowledged David's calling to be the next king of Israel. Jonathan never demanded that the throne be passed down to himself as the next reigning prince.

In 1 Samuel 14, we discover that Jonathan was an incredible soldier who possessed an amazing faith in God.

If you look at 1 Samuel 14, you learn that Israel's army were hiding among the caves of Gibeah after having been defeated in battle by the Philistines. Jonathan’s father Saul, had made a seriously wrong tactical decision and decided to pitch Israel’s army against the Philistines, who were as “numerous as the sand.” (1 Sam 13:5). At this Israel was horribly overmatched, and they “quaked with fear.” (1 Sam 13:7).

Saul never sought the Lord. Saul was unwilling to wait for the prophet Samuel. Saul arrogantly overstepped his authority and offered a sacrifice. And eventually when Samuel came, Saul was powerfully rebuked by the Prophet Samuel, thereby ending his kingship in Israel forever.

Israel’s army was demoralized and so hid in the caves of Gibeah. So demoralized were they that they were fighting now with farming tools. At that time Israel had only two swords in her possession. One with Saul and the other with Jonathan. At this point they could not stave off the raiding Philistines who were plundering the nearby villages and looting the people.

It was at this lowest point, that Jonathan said, “…let us go look for the Lord.”

When you are sick and tired of being sick and tired and begin trusting a loving God who can deliver you from the horrible pit of despair, that is when events will begin to turn around for you.

It is here that change begins and hope erupts. It is here that the God of the heavens will come down and fight for you Himself. It is here that the Psalmist says, “…where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth.” (Ps 121:1,2).

So, beloved when things are really down…go look for the Lord. He will always be there.


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